Silver Spoon Ice Cream

Silver Spoon Ice Cream

Tasmanian Ice Cream Company Cambridge

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Silver Spoon presents an absolute classic – Tasmanian ice cream starring Tasmanian cream, milk and eggs. 

There are no added artificial flavours, colours or preservatives and are all 100% gluten and nut free, served in bio-degradable tubs.  Each flavour is smooth and creamy, with the added bonus of a uniquely delicious sauce swirled through each tub leaving consumers wanting more.

This is no ‘b grade’ ice cream horror movie, where every tub is full of scarily unnatural flavours, horrifying preservatives and spooky colours. Nor is it an action packed drama where you risk fracturing a tooth, consuming a tub crammed with lollies that simply won’t melt in the mouth.

Silver Spoon Ice Cream is an ode to lovers of a good old-fashioned romance. This traditional hand-made ice cream is paired with a classic sauce that is not only made from all natural ingredients, but is also made in Tasmania, using premium Tasmanian ingredients where-ever possible. This is the Silver Spoon promise.

Imagine a land with the purest air in the world, blessed with plentiful temperate rains which feed lush forests and rolling green pastures.  This lush green land at the bottom of the world, 42 degrees South, is called Tasmania and this is where the stage is set.

The island is home to 167,000 dairy cows who live happy lives chomping on clover and plodding into the dairy at dawn and dusk for milking.

It is from these Tasmanian dairies that the stars of our show hail; cream and milk. Together they combine to make more than 70% of our feature production – Tasmanian ice cream, an absolute classic, starring Tasmanian cream, milk and eggs.

So settle in and enjoy this romantic classic, we predict that it will become a firm family favourite.

Tasmanian Cream, Milk & Eggs
Featuring: No added flavours, colours or preservatives and 100% gluten and nut free!


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