Bruny Island Honey

Bruny Island Honey

Honey Farm Bruny Island

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Bruny Island Honey and The Honey Pot are the houses of honey venues of the Wright family’s proudly-run lifelong collaboration between our family, the bees, and the Tasmanian Wilderness. We have about 900 hives which we move year-round to follow the blossoming flower trail so our bees can collect a variety of nectar from different floral sources. We take the bees to Lake Pedder, to Bruny Island, and to the Huon and Derwent Valleys, where they collect Leatherwood and Bush, Prickly Box and Manuka Honey.

We extract and package all our own honey ourselves at our facilities in Judbury, Tasmania. We attend Salamanca market every Saturday, and our Bruny and Huon Valley venues are open 7 days. You may also find us at local and state festivals.


We have a range of Tasmanian honeys and associated products to choose from. You can read an overview below, but do come into one of our shops to browse our full range! Selected products are also available to buy online.

Tasmanian Leatherwood has developed a reputation with its strong, unmistakable flavour. Our Leatherwood is sourced from a limited number of hive sites positioned in the South West of Tasmania. The Leatherwood tree itself prefers to be shrouded by a canopy in damper weather.

Free Honey tastings and sales. Locally produced 100% natural honey and honey products sourced from Bruny Island and surrounds. Family owned and operated.

We have have been collecting honey from Bruny Island for over 20 years; currently we have about 400 hives on the island.

The bees are moved around the island at different times of the year to follow the nectar flows: Prickly Box in the North of the Island; Manuka around the Great Bay, Neck area; Bush honey all over, depending on the flowing of the eucalyptus, and; Leatherwood from Mount Mangana.

We take the bees to pollinate the Black Devil Cherry Orchard in September / October every year.

Open 9am-5pm, 7 days a week

Site 15, Salamanca Place, Hobart EVERY SATURDAY
8.30am – 3pm Every Saturday, all year round


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    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
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    09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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